Operation Grat-itude:

An experiment on how being grateful for the little things can improve this chicks perspective. Documenting my personal list of things that were awesome, and grrr-eat about my world.

P.S. Someday I will take over the world!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Health and Hope

Today...I am grateful for my health. I got good news from the doctor. I was expecting worse after the pictures, so I was shocked to learn that it is within my control. I do have an accumulation of small health issues which has been causing problems, but now I know what it is, and what it, thankfully, isn't. I am thankful that, that added stress of not knowing is gone. I can now focus on dealing with the small things, and getting them under control. I feel confident that better things are on the horizon, and I think I may, finally be able to stop looking over my shoulder for the next crisis!! There is health, and there is hope.


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