Operation Grat-itude:

An experiment on how being grateful for the little things can improve this chicks perspective. Documenting my personal list of things that were awesome, and grrr-eat about my world.

P.S. Someday I will take over the world!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I have been sleeping for several days. Sleeping off crummy stomach issues (candida die-off is ROUGH!!) and a cold/flu...at the same time. GROSS is how I would describe myself in the past few days. But am feeling semi-human again, just in time for the blizzard of November. I kinda heart blizzards. The chaos, the unknown, the cozy feeling of being inside, all warm, and gazing out into the whirly, white stuff.  So, today I'm thankful for blizzards, flu medicine, ginger ale, tea, slow cookers, a vehicle that works this winter (fingers crossed, knocking on wood) Christmas tunes, rice (the one think i kept down), my Love for doing everything while I was outta commission and still loving me, even when I am gross, my Mommsie for helping with my upcoming rent, my co-workers and boss for chipping in and helping out when I couldn't make it in and being understanding about it always. To my immune system...I know you do what you can, and you're always busy. But I am trying to help you...so hang in there.


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