Operation Grat-itude:

An experiment on how being grateful for the little things can improve this chicks perspective. Documenting my personal list of things that were awesome, and grrr-eat about my world.

P.S. Someday I will take over the world!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Just another Manic Monday

Today was a total MONDAY! Except for having the day off...it sure started just like the jack ass it be. Ugh... I wanted to dance with Monday, instead we fought. But these kinds of days are the kind that we really have to fight to stay focused, and remind ourselves that even in the moments we aren't feeling very gratuitous, that's exactly where that kind of attitude is most needed. So...thank you for Monday off, Banana Bread Bear Paws, the wheels that are now a turning, imaginations and big ideas, sleeping dogs, relaxation music, to 'my calm' for keeping me calm and reminding me to keep trying, the Dad who was one today, good-bye letters, and forgiveness for making you stronger. And parent's. I thank you for all your hard work, each and everyday.

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